TL;DR: decorators for services are pretty easy to write in Jolie, thanks to a native feature called aggregation. Be careful in the deployment phase for managing performance hits!

Service Decorators

Just read this article about using decorators over inheritance in object-oriented programs. I assume that you know decorators in the following. If you don’t, get informed (e.g., by reading that article) before proceeding.

The Decorator design pattern offers a way to cleanly modify the behaviour of an object by using composition instead of inheritance. I won’t enter in the merits of composition against inheritance in object-orientation (both have their own, depending on the other features of the language), because I’m interested in microservices here. In microservices, composition is typically the only option you have. That’s because your microservices may be written in different languages, or even paradigms. And even if their codebases were somehow compatible, inheritance would still be out of place: your microservices can only depend on the communication APIs of other services, not on their implementation details (e.g., by looking at their source code).

Since decorator acts through composition, this pattern is potentially interesting for service programming. But as the author of the article linked above mentions, using it can be frustrating since it requires a lot of boilerplate code. This makes it also error-prone. As a running example, let’s look at the e-mail service interface proposed in that article, rewritten in Jolie:

interface EmailServiceIface {

Decorating an operation

Now, suppose that this service is available to us as EmailService. Assume also that we want to write a new service that decorates EmailService with the following logic: whenever send is called, we check if we have sent an “important” e-mail (e.g., the subject contains a specific keyword telling us that the e-mail is important, or the addressee is in a special list); if an important e-mail has been sent successfully, we backup its content by calling another service, for indexing and safe-keeping.

A naive implementation is to write the decorator by re-implementing interface EmailService, like this:

inputPort EmailServiceImportant {
Location: MyLocation Protocol: MyProtocol
Interfaces: EmailServiceIface

  [ send( request )( response ) {
    send@EmailService( request )();
    check@Important( { .subject = request.subject, .to = } )( important );
    if ( important ) {
      backup@BackupService( request )()
  } ]

  [ listEmails( request )( response ) {
    listEmails@EmailService( request )( response )
  } ]

  [ downloadEmail( request )( response ) {
    downloadEmail@EmailService( request )( response )
  } ]

The code for listEmails and downloadEmail is boilerplate, since we’re just forwarding requests and responses. The author of the article suggests that it would be nice if languages supported a native feature that makes writing this code unnecessary. Luckily, we have it in this case!

Forwarding is a native feature in Jolie, since building proxies is the bread and butter of service composition (think of load balancers, caches, etc.). We can rewrite our decorator like this:

inputPort EmailServiceImportant {
Location: MyLocation Protocol: MyProtocol
Aggregates: EmailService // Aggregates instead of Interfaces!

  [ send( request )( response ) {
    send@EmailService( request )();
    check@Important( { .subject = request.subject, .to = } )( important );
    if ( important ) {
      backup@BackupService( request )()
  } ]

No boilerplate, same behaviour as our previous decorator!

Interface Decoration

What if you want to change the behaviours of many operations, not just one? What if this behaviour change is always the same? For example, suppose that we want to write a decorator that keeps track of all events: whenever an operation is called, we write this in an external log.

Here’s a naive implementation:

inputPort EmailServiceLogger {
Location: MyLocation Protocol: MyProtocol
Interfaces: EmailServiceIface

  [ send( request )( response ) {
    send@EmailService( request )();
    log@Logger( request )()
  } ]

  [ listEmails( request )( response ) {
    listEmails@EmailService( request )( response );
    log@Logger( request )()
  } ]

  [ downloadEmail( request )( response ) {
    downloadEmail@EmailService( request )( response );
    log@Logger( request )()
  } ]

Ouch, boilerplate again! What we need is the capability of writing that logging code just once, and applying it to the entire API of EmailService. That’s what courier processes in Jolie are for. Here’s the improved code, using courier:

inputPort EmailServiceLogger {
Location: MyLocation Protocol: MyProtocol
Aggregates: EmailService // Aggregates again

courier EmailServiceLogger // courier enables primitives for whole-interface behaviour
  [ interface EmailServiceIface( request )( response ) ] { // Apply to all operations in the interface
    forward( request )( response ); // forward is a primitive: it forwards the message to the aggreated (in this case, decorated) service
    log@Logger( request )()

No boilerplate again!

Circuit breakers

What’s a cool example of a decorator? Circuit breaker! Yup. A sketch in Jolie using aggregation can be found in this paper.


As cool as decorators are, don’t forget that you are adding a layer of indirection. Many times, you don’t have a choice and your code benefits so much that you should pay the price. But in microservices, be very careful about how efficient your extra layer will be. If you stack too many decorators and they are all communicating remotely via sockets, you’ll soon have a performance problem. This is a deployment challenge: in Jolie, using a different communication medium doesn’t alter your behavioural code. So choose your communication media wisely when you deploy! If you have control over your stack of decorators, consider whether it would be better to put them all in one place and have them communicate using shared-memory (local location in Jolie).